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Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

A Voice Work Toolbox: Strategies for managing the troubled voice

A Voice Work Toolbox: Strategies for managing the troubled voice


This innovative course delivered by Christina Shewell MA, FRCSLT, ADVS offers an overview and practical workshops in a range of voice therapy ideas and approaches. 

StartEndCourse Fee 
A Voice Work Toolbox: Strategies for managing the troubled voice
23/09/202524/09/2025£400.00[Read More]
CMOS analog integrated circuit design e-learning

CMOS analog integrated circuit design e-learning


CMOS analog integrated circuit design e-learning

StartEndCourse Fee 
CMOS All Seven Modules
01/10/202131/07/2025£892.50[Read More]
CMOS Individual Modules
01/10/202131/07/2025£150.00[Read More]

Green Leaders for a Sustainable Future


Join a 6-week journey to become a green champion and lead the way toward a sustainable future.

Delivered by Imperial experts live online.

Starting in March 2025

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Standard rate
05/03/202510/04/20250£4300.00[Read More]

Introduction to Mining and Mining Finance April/May 2025


The course is designed for mining geologists, mining engineers and mineral process engineers as well as aiming to broaden knowledge beyond their particular areas of expertise. It will also be of interest to support staff on active mining operations as well as those in International Development and Government, Financial Services and Commodity Trading and Consultants and Advisors involved in the minerals industry.


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
2 Day core course
29/04/202530/04/20250£1895.00[Read More]
4 Days incl workshop
29/04/202502/05/20250£3595.00[Read More]

Short courses from MSc allergy 2024/25


We offer a range of short courses in Allergy which are available both to students who are enrolled on the MSc in allergy programme, and as stand-alone CPD programmes for GPs, specialist trainees and consultants, nurses, dietitians and other healthcare professionals wishing to improve their ability to manage allergic patients in daily practice.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Rhinitis, rhinosinusitis and immunotherapy
23/01/202513/02/2025£425.00[Read More]
Asthma and allergic airways disease
29/01/202512/02/2025£425.00[Read More]
Short courses from MSc in Applied Paediatrics 2024/25

Short courses from MSc in Applied Paediatrics 2024/25


A range of short courses spread throughout the academic year are available as stand alone CPD accredited courses for all healthcare professionals. They are also available as modules for those students enrolled on the MSc in Applied Paediatrics.

StartEndCourse Fee 
Neonatal Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Conditions
10/02/202514/03/2025£495.00[Read More]
Advances and Management in Paediatric Endocrinology
10/02/202514/03/2025£495.00[Read More]
Paediatric Stabilisation and Critical Care
10/02/202514/03/2025£495.00[Read More]
Paediatric sleep
10/03/202521/03/2025£200.00[Read More]
Assessment and optimisation of health trajectories in childhood
10/03/202516/05/2025£495.00[Read More]
Paediatric Infection
28/04/202530/05/2025£495.00[Read More]
Challenges in Neonatal Encephalopathy
28/04/202530/05/2025£495.00[Read More]
Child population health and social paediatrics
27/05/202527/06/2025£495.00[Read More]
Paediatric Cardiology
02/06/202504/07/2025£495.00[Read More]