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Introduction to MATLAB (April 2025)

Introduction to MATLAB (April 2025)


Date : Wednesday 30 April 2025

This is a practical PC based course, introducing you to some of the many useful Matlab features, focusing on the one's which are most useful for programming prior to moving on the next course Introduction to Programming Using Matlab.


There are plenty of examples, but they are not of a specialized nature. This course is aimed at first-time users.


Click here for course content and more information.



Contact [email protected] if you wish to pay by :

  • GL Journal (Imperial College applicants only)
  • Invoice (companies / organisations only)


The payment can be made by Credit or Debit card using the options below:

Introduction to MATLAB External EARLY-BIRD (30 April 2025)


Introduction to MATLAB Imperial College EARLY-BIRD (30 April 2025)
